venerdì 25 febbraio 2011

Caesar is no better than John Doe

Rome, photo by J.R. Forbus

Julius Caesar walks to the newspaper kiosk every morning
and buys “The Roman Tribune”.

Most times he skips to the comic-strips page,
but not this morning.
This morning he wants something smart
to go with his cappuccino.

He reads the crime news:
“Julius Caesar is no better than any John Doe”
the heading boasts.
Julius sips his cappuccino and reads on.

“… professional killers nowadays
work for just anyone who’s willing to pay.
Your neighbor hit your dog?
Your wife makes a horrible lasagna?
Your boss changed the coffee with a cheaper blend?
Hire yourself an independent contractor.
Be a Brutus, find yourself a Caesar.”

Julius is indignant.
He leaves some sestertius on the table and walks away.
Nobles no longer have a corner on getting killed.
Indeed, democracy has changed Rome for the worst.

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